Mainline RTP specializes in all areas of Information Technology and Security. We bring a unique perspective to corporate information technology customers. Decades of experience and a broad range of capabilities allow us to match the appropriate technology and personnel to your specific needs and deliver a full range of solutions with the highest efficiency.

Data Center and the Cloud
Enterprise Storage Design & Assessment
Server & Compute Design Services
Converged Infrastructure Solutions
Technology and solution providers are pivoting at a much faster rate than previously seen. The need to scale up and scale out systems and platforms rapidly, along with leveraging next generation consumption models are driving companies to expand their traditional thinking of how they deploy technology. Virtualization, software defined environments, and the use of Cloud-based solutions continue to gain wide adoption. Mainline RTP has proven experience in this area and can assist your company in defining the right solutions for future ready environments.

Professional & Consulting Services
Product Management
Staging & Configuration Services
Companies are being asked to do more with less. With resource pools shrinking and IT projects on the rise, organizations simply need help to execute on strategic initiatives and drive innovation, while continuing to “keep the lights on” and meet the everyday demands of the business. From assessments to defining next generation architectures, implementations, project management and ongoing operations, Mainline RTP has a team of subject matter experts that can help with it all.

IT Security Solutions
Virtual CISO
No company wants to make the front page of the Wall Street Journal for experiencing a security breach that puts their company and respective clients at risk. Today’s changing technology landscape makes it essential for companies to adopt more comprehensive Information Security practices. Mainline RTP assists our customer from assessing current environments and practices, identifying vulnerabilities and gaps, and defining, architecting and implementing the proper IT Security solutions to protect the firm.

IT Sourcing & Contract Management
Sourcing Expertise & Negotiation Support
Spend Management
Maintenance Renewal Optimization
Contact Management & Renew Services
It is a time of incredible change in the IT contract management. IT solution provider contracts have become much more complex and as such, the Solution Providers continue to focus on software audits as a means to insure contract compliance. Such practices are proving to be a source of revenue for Solution Providers but also create a difficult position for the user communities that are often unprepared and unaware of their position. Mainline RTP resources can assist our clients take proactive measures and ongoing practices to help reconcile and manage such contracts and associated inventories.